Toothache Care

Toothache Care

Toothache Care

Toothaches are no fun, and there's certainly no need to talk about that uncomfortable feeling more than is needed. However there are times when a toothache may surface or get worse at a time when the dentist isn't available. If this happens to you, there is no need to panic. You'll simply want to consider how severe the potential issue is, and rely upon some simple home care techniques if the toothache can wait until you can get to the dentist. Here are some easy tips to reduce any pains if you experience a toothache.


A toothache is a common symptom every patient will experience at different times in their life. It can be an indication of several conditions, but the most likely cause is that of tooth decay. Toothaches can originate from cavities or the general wearing down of tooth enamel from plaque and tartar. As the enamel is weakened, sensations of pain are created in the root of the tooth. These can be amplified by eating hot or cold foods or drinks or consuming items with a lot of sugar in them. If you are experiencing any feelings of a toothache, the condition will need to be treated by a dentist. However if treated quickly, it can be a relatively easy issue to correct.

While toothaches most commonly originate from tooth decay, they can be caused by other factors as well. A simple cause might be food stuck between your teeth, which applies extra pressure to the teeth around it. Damage sustained to a tooth through trauma, sports injuries or the grinding of teeth can also create toothache sensations. Even the emergence of wisdom teeth can create toothache pains. Needless to say, it is best for your dentist to diagnose the true cause of the toothache versus assuming it is one thing or another.

Toothache Symptoms

There are several symptoms associated with a toothache, most prominently the throbbing sensation of pain in the affected tooth. Sometimes this pain can extend to areas around the affected tooth as well. If you apply pressure to the tooth, for example pressing it with your finger or chewing food with it, this may make the pain temporarily worse. As we mentioned above, hot, cold, or sugary foods may also temporarily increase the pain. In some circumstances, the pain may extend to the jaw or gum areas as well. For those experiencing severe toothaches, a slight fever or a exhaustion may also accompany the pain.

Basic Home Care

In most cases, your toothache can be cared for with simple home remedies until you have the chance to visit your dentist. Should severe trauma or damage accompany the toothache, we recommend contacting your dentist for emergency care or visiting the emergency room. Otherwise it's best to begin toothache care with a simple warm water rinse. Next, you'll want to ensure no food particles stuck between your teeth are causing the pain. A gentle flossing will remove any potential particles, but take care not to floss around any recently damaged teeth.

An over the counter pain medication is another good option for those experiencing mild tooth or jaw pain from a toothache. Take the pain reliever as directed and do not take more than a regular dose even if the pain is severe. A cold compress or ice pack placed on the cheek next to the affected area may also reduce pain, especially if the toothache originates from an impact or trauma. We do not recommend over the counter toothache cures like drops meant to provide instant relief. Basic home care techniques should be enough to get you through the pain until you can see your dentist. In addition, some of these "quick fix" medications can be harmful to some patients.

Advanced Care

You can continue the basic home care remedies as needed, but be sure to call your dentist as soon as possible to schedule an appointment. Notify them that you are experiencing a toothache and schedule a visit as soon as your schedule allows. Your dentist will be able to diagnose the problem and provide advanced care that is much more effective than a simple home remedy. Really when considering toothache care, it is only a temporary measure until you can get to the dentist.

Final Thoughts On Toothache Care

As you can see, there is really no reason to panic if you experience symptoms of a toothache. Yes they can be uncomfortable, but they are easy to address if you get to the dentist soon after the pain begins. Home remedies are only a temporary fix, and you are best off scheduling a diagnostic visit with your dentist to determine the true cause of the pain. Grace & Leedy Family Dentistry is happy to help relieve those toothaches once and for all. Schedule an appointment and come in and see us today!


10881 West Asbury Ave Suite 210, Lakewood, CO 80227

Phone: (303) 989-0452

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